The photo is of my elder son Louwrens and his trophy size black wildebeest bull he had hunted since early this morning and killed it at 4 PM.
Distance was a measured 262 metres (290 yards), shooting from the prone position. The Hornady 150gr Interbond (at first he was going to use 180gr Interlocks) demolished the right shoulder bone, cut the top of the heart, broke an opposite rib and stopped in the opposite shoulder joint. The bull was right shoulder on. It staggered around in a tight circle and died five yards from where it was shot.
Rifle is a very light weight BRNO ZKK 601 with Nikon Monarch 3-9 x 42 scope. Pre-hunt practice showed his rifle grouped less than one inch at 220 yards with both the 150 gr Interbonds and the 180 gr Interlocks.

Gary wrote earlier:
"Been playing with the ballistic charts. If the 165 grain TTSX will perform at 2000 fps I will be good to 300 yards with this bullet. I doubt that it is going to open up at that velocity."
Gary my own experience with the Barnes TSX is limited to mid range behaviour. I know the Peregrine VRG-3/4, because it expands in a perfect mushroom shape and not with individual petals has the same expansion from 3,000 - 1,800 ft/sec impact velocity.