The Musgraves
A Legend is Reborn - but first some older ones
Some years ago Musgrave hunting rifles were the alpha and omega to the South African hunter. These fine rifles were known to be very accurate and reliable. The fact that many hunters are still using their Musgrave’s of yesteryear is proof of that. Wherever you go to in South Africa you will find hunters with their Musgraves. Below are my sons' rifles:

Except for dangerous game, with this rifle I have killed every big and medium game animal hunted in South Africa - including eland, zebra, wildebeest and kudu. Never more than a single shot was ever needed. For big game nothing lighter than 180 gr bullets were used and rarely 150 gr for deer sized game - but mostly the same 180 gr PMP Pro-Amm. This rifle is presently used for Hunting Rifle Shooting Competitions with 154gr Lapua Scenar bullets at 2,808 ft/sec muzzle velocity. It still is as pleasingly accurate as the first day out of the gun shop. Surely an extra 100 ft/sec can be wrung out of the cartridge but why overwork such a fine rifle that has given nothing but sterling performance for more than 40 years.
If the term "heart rifle" exists this is it. It is part of me.
I´ll bring the Musgrave history and some photos of the models over the years. Attached are some pictures copied from their website to show a few rifles in the present line-up built on Czech Vz-24 actions. In time the new RSA models will be discussed - a pre-production example of which was shown at the last Huntex gun show held near Pretoria. This again is being built on a South African home-made action, as the late Musgrave father and sons did with the Model ¨Vrystaat¨ series like I have. The RSA target rifle was built as a single shot, no magazine, totally flat action underneath and which had the loading / ejection port covered by solid steel on top for added rigidity.
The New Musgraves
Present barrels are button-rifled and as always these rifles are of the highest quality and 1/2 MOA shooters off the shelf.
All the models are produced in .243W / .25-06 Remington / .308W / 30-06 Sprg / .300 H&H / .375 H&H. These are the preferred cartridges for varmint / small game like springbok and blesbok (deer size) and big game like kudu, wildebeest (elk size) hunting in South Africa; the .308W leads the pack by quite a margin, being used for everything except dangerous game. The .375 H&H is the preferred dangerous game calibre.
Some specs:
High Grade Turkish Walnut. Vz. 24 Action, Timney Target Trigger, 45° Musgrave Safety, Black Ivory Grip Cap and Fore-end, Steel Recoil Lug, Quick Detachable Swivels, Wrap Around Checkering, Musgrave 1" Recoil Pad, Satin Blue, Oil Finished Stock, No Sights. Only the grade of wood is different between the models.

"Exhibition" Grade
Customised calibres and trimmings are available:

The Varmint Series:

The Sporter Series: