Unmatched Class and Hospitality

This is the land of Boer General Christiaan de Wet and the 7x57 mm Mauser; of hunters who only know of brain shots no matter the distance. It is the land of the aggressive savannah buffalo, the dainty springbok and the clown black wildebeest; it is the land where prides of lion are used for home protection; it is the land where science drives every operation from food production to design and production of the worlds largest agriculture machinery to world patents for the exact separation of every precious stone and mineral element from the rich soils.
Savannah buffalo: $13,000 - $15,000
Red Hartebeest: $1,300
Black wildebeest: $1,300
Springbok: $500
Blesbok: $600
And quite a few more.
Contact Andries at bullet.behaviour@gmail.com