I recently acquired this delightful Ruger Mk11 stainless in 6.5x55, 18 1/2" Bbl, 1/8 twist. I mounted a 2x7 Redfield Revolution by Leupold . I feel this scope to be in keeping with the over all size balance of the rifle while providing plenty of magnification. A very safe 2906FPS with a 120gr bullet load was developed. The rifle will deliver consistent 3/4" groups striking +1.5" 100yds & dead on at 200yds. All loads were developed at my home here in Colorado at an elevation of 7630' above sea level. I can't tell you how much I enjoy the look & feel of this rifle. Pure joy to a rifle enthusiast like my self. It came into my possession to late to hunt with this past season but will see field work next year.