Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus)

The body colour is overall fawn, with the lower parts of the legs dark brown to black. The distinctive black and white facial markings are characteristic features of this species. They have long pointed ears. Both sexes have heavily ringed scimitar-shaped horns. Bulls weigh 600 lbs and measures 55" at the shoulder. Cows are smaller and weigh between 260 lbs They have long tufted tails.
Roan are primarily grazers, preferring to crop the top portions of grasses, but would occasionally feed on woody and herbaceous plants. They prefer stands of medium to tall grass in open savannahs.
The Roan is a rare and endangered antelope species and very rarely hunted and has a patchy distribution in savannah ecosystems south of the Sahara Desert. Due to past hunting pressures, it now occurs only in areas where rigorous conservation is applied.