Gemsbok (Oryx gazella).
Always a challenging hunt and therefor a big satisfaction of achievement no matter the hunter's experience. Shots are often in excess of 250 yards in conditions of a strong mirage, so the hunter must know his rifle to hit the 3" oval of the heart.
The bull in the photo is still young but look at the shoulder muscles in the photo. Badly mauled gemsbok are often found dead with a dead lion impaled in its horns - completely penetrated with one horn always through the heart. The often mentioned test for dead by US hunters to put the rifle muzzle onto an eye must never be attempted with either gemsbok or sable. If not dead the rifle will fly from your hands as a horn will swipe at you.
The optimum cup & core bullet response would be by a 180gr Hornady Interbond / Interlock from a 30-06 or 175gr from a 7x64 Brenneke or 7mm Rem Mag.