This part of the hunt is where the hunter's character is demonstrated to the world and is a symbol of your respect for the beautiful beast you have killed. Here is one example of scores of similar photos posted by hunters on the internet with text to the following effect: "Each time I shoot a deer I am impressed by the damage a 130 gr Ballistic Tip at 3,300 ft/sec does from the 7mm Rem Mag ."

Please do not even photograph these travesties. Better still - do not destroy and denigrate that beautiful animal like this

It should still be able to look like this when mounted
This is what your photos of the animal should show:

The blood from the perfect heart shot through the low shoulder wiped, no holding onto the animal and no display of a haughty attitude towards the animal. Want to guess who these two hunters are? Do not be fooled by the fact that they are not wearing camo.
More on setting up the trophy for photography later.
USA President Trump's two sons.
Look, Ma, no camo!
I know who they are but no hints.
Why would anyone even think to take a picture of such a blown up critter ? Nasty looking.
I get it. With whoever shot that, it's one of those "Don't try this at home" things because I can see no other reason to take such a photo.
Want to guess who the above two hunters are? Do not let the lack of wearing the telling camo uniform fool you :-) - they in fact ARE from the USA and well respected here for their hunting ethics, shooting ability and general demeanour.