Neotragus moschatus Rowland Ward minimum: 3".
This petite antelope stands only 14" high at the shoulders, and rams weigh only 5 kg. Ewes are slightly larger. Light-brown to chestnut coat, they have broad, rounded ears, ashy-grey on the outside and pink inside. Only the rams grow horns. Of all African antelope, this species has the largest pre-orbital scent glands relative to body size.
Sunis feed on the forest floor, mostly at dawn and dusk. It takes freshly fallen leaves, fruits and flowers dislodged from trees. They are rare. The Suni is primarily active during the evening and night, sleeping the rest of the day in a shady, sheltered area. When danger approaches the Suni freezes, remaining hidden until the threat is nearly on top of them, at which point it leaps up and dodges around bushes and shrubs, vanishing into the undergrowth.
The young are heavily preyed upon by the crowned Eagle and Python.