(Raphicerus Campestris) Rowland Ward minimum: 4 1/2".
Rufous brown to fawn coat with long, broad ears. Measures 20+" at the shoulders and weigh 22lbs. Only rams have upright, slender horns projecting above the eyes. Conspicuous black, facial glands are situated in front of the large, dark brown eyes.
Exclusively a browser, and shows a preference for forbs. It is generally highly selective for green material such as young leaves, flowers, fruits and shoot tips of various plants. Roots, tubers and bulbs are taken during dry months by raking the ground, and even digging shoulder-deep, to reach these nutritious food supplies which are high in moisture content.
To conceal the infant's presence, the mother eats her lamb's faeces and drinks its urine during her visits, this keeps the hiding place relatively odour free and protected from predators.They are the only bovid who scrape the ground before and after urination and defecation.
Inhabits open savannah country where they are reliant on adequate cover in the form of taller grass and clumps of bushes. Probably the most abundant small antelope occurring in South Africa.