Oribi. (Oribia scoparia) Rowland Ward minimum: 5".
This gracious little antelope has a long, slender neck and legs. Ears are oval. The coat is rufous-brown with white under parts. The tail of the oribi is black. Situated close to the inner corners of the eyes are two large pre-orbital glands. Only the rams have short, straight horns of up to 7" long, which are ringed at the base. Adult rams measure 24" at the shoulders and weigh 3-lbs Ewes are slightly larger than rams. Oribi display a distinctive "stotting" action when alarmed, which entails vertical leaps with straight legs. it is not dependant on free surface water.
Found in small monogamous groups of a ram with two ewes. These groups are territorial, and actively defend their territories of 100-400 acres in size. A family regularly performs a dunging ceremony, although dung middens are not maintained. Distribution is patchy and discontinuous in the northern parts of the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mphumalanga.